Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Informal Greeting with Friends and Family

                   Image result for pictures of greetings handshakes with eye contact           Image result for pictures of greetings handshakes with eye contact
                        Kiss of the hand                                                Greeting Air Kiss
Greeting family and friends with hugs.

In Poland, many of the old-fashion gentlemen prefer to kiss a woman's hand rather than shake her hand. This is not expected from every man.
In Polish culture, the women are always recognized and greeted first.  
When family and friends get together they greet each other with handshaking that transitions into air kisses or kisses to both cheeks and lots of hugging.
Poles do not kiss family and friends on the lips that action is reserved for their intimate partner.
          Image result for pictures of greeting hugs     Image result for pictures of greeting hugs

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